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What is Play Therapy?

Play is the natural means by which children communicate and learn about themselves and the world around them. Through play therapy they are able to explore and resolve difficulties that they have. I work within a non-directive approach based on Axline's principles for therapeutic work in which the child leads the play in their sessions.


A child could be referred to play therapy by their headteacher, teacher, SENCO, FLO, parent or carer. Once the referral is received I use the Goodman Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) at the parental interview to provide a measure of the child's needs and the length of intervention. I usually contract for 6-12 initial sessions followed by a review meeting. Play Therapy cannot take place without parental and the child's consent.


An uninterrupted room is needed for the sessions which usually last 40 minutes per week. I provide the play materials.


This session will be called ‘Special Time', it will be the child’s special time to explore the range of play materials as a way of exploring the issues that they are facing in their lives. This time is confidential between the child and their therapist. There will be a contract that what is shared within that time is confidential unless it will harm the therapist and/or the child. The child’s permission will be sort to disclose any information at the review meetings.


If you feel that Play Therapy might be appropriate for yourself and your child or as a service within your setting, please contact me for an initial discussion.


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